The American Psychological Association code of ethics prohibits Psychologists from engaging in sexual relationships with students, supervisees and to include clients (APA 01: 7.07). Taking us back to chapter one again, practicing defensive ethics: risk management, will allow the professional to uphold the laws and policies to avoid ever being placed in these circumstances. Chapter ten of our text goes over multiple-role relationships including boundaries and the risk associated with them. The American Psychological Association defines multiple role relationships as occurring when a therapist is already in a professional role with a person and is also in another role with the same person, or someone related to that person with whom the therapist has a personal relationship, or makes promises to enter another type of relationship with that person in the future (APA 02: …show more content…
American Psychological Association. (1992). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 47, 1597-1611.
Koocher, G., & Spiegel, P. (2008). Ethics in psychology and the mental health professions: Standards and cases (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pope, K., & Vetter, V. (1991). Prior therapist-patient sexual involvement among patients seen by psychologists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 28(3),