The first performance of the opera that caught my attention was “Gianni Schicchi”, an Italian opera that consisted of numerous characters and elements. The story unfolds with family members gathering around a bed of a recently deceased family member and aristocrat, Buoso Donati; though most put on a convincing façade, most are curious to see if they will inherit his great fortune. Donati’s brother-in-law mentions a rumor that Donati has left his entire fortune to a monastery, which upsets the family. The family begins to panic and starts looking for Donati’s will, to see if the rumors are true. The room was a mess, but the will was found by Rinuccio, the sons of Donati’s cousin, Zita. Before unveiling the will, …show more content…
There were many cadences and pauses that would sync with the performers vocal part in the performance as well as a few long cadences to emphasize the awkward silences between Miss Pinkerton and Miss Todd.
Experiencing these 2 operas, I was able to comprehend the incredible talents of the Auburn University’s Department of Music Opera Workshop performers. Each performance allowed the performers to showcase their vocal talents greatly; as well as showing their strict practicing by knowing the vocal queues with the music as well as with each other to never sound off or un-synced with each other.