-First day disappointing -water low "teeter-snipe pattered about in what last year were trout riffles", and warm. - "asked for trout, got only chub" -That night, they remember a fork upstream, which was narrow and deep and spring fed. This was the Alder Fork. They fish it the next day. -First trout caught immeadiately. -Second requires deliberation... -bush over trout's head -must wait for wind to come up, to disguise line and fly. -with perfect execution, he is caught. -with perfect execution, he is caught. -event causes reflection on nature of | Forward fish and men..."ready, nay eager, to sieze upon whatever new things some wind of circumstance shakes down upon the river of time". "...and how we rue our haste". -Third fish is ultimate challange -"canopied in greenness", casting impossible. must be caught by drifting fly downstream from above. -does this from 30'above. -sets hook "imprudently pulls trout through alder stems..." "..no prudent man is a fisherman" -Fish were not large, chance to catch them was. Memory will be large. For awhile, he "had forgotten it would ever again be aught but morning on the…