In cartoonist and activist, Nina Paley’s short film “The Stork”, she describes the devastating effects the human race is having on the Earth and the unsustainability of our current lifestyles. She succeeds in convincing her viewers that overpopulation is leading to mass extinctions, irreversible damage & pollution to our environment, and leaving fewer resources for humans to survive on. Causality, metaphors, and irony are some of the techniques that Paley uses to create a strong and effective film.…
This is the story of the infamous black hurricane.He was called this because he had the power to make a black hole over himself transporting him to anywhere he wanted and getting there in no time at all (literally). This also meant he could put black holes over anyone he chose and transporting them to any jail based on the seriousness of the crime. He gained his power from how his parents genes mixed creating a human looking mutant and his responsibilities were the usual keep the city from dying. He never killed anyone though because of his body. He looked like a human being alright but his inside were different allowing him to give or take away this power to anyone he wished. This is the story of how he saved his city from…
As technology has grown immensely in the past century, we have seen the rise of many movies surrounding this topic. Movies ranging from family friendly flicks about the bond between a fighting machine and boy while others explore the science behind technological advances in educational films. However, the large majority seem to highlight the morbid possibility of what could happen when technology turns against us. These examples are found all throughout the media, but are dramatized to a whole new degree on movie posters. In my case, I am specifically referencing both the 2001: a space odyssey poster as well as the recently released Ex Machina poster. Both posters are meant to pitch the idea of where technology is going to be taking us. Yet, in the 2001: space odyssey the message is lacking and bordering on tangent to the movie in comparison to Ex Machina. On one side we see a poster about an epic adventure through space, but is conveyed in a poor way that takes away from the enjoyment of a topic such as space. Whereas on the other hand, we have the Ex Machina poster conveying a dark and eerie feeling that sells the movie exactly for what it is. Though Ex Machina is a clear winner here, to truly understand such rationale we must deeply analyze the visual rhetoric in both posters.…
Right from the start of the book Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy hits you with a foreshadowing of how small you are compared to community with the example of the demolition of Arthur Dent’s house. It shows how powerless Arthur Dent is to stopping the destruction of his house and how high and mighty humans feel by controlling what gets destroyed and what does not. Earth is treated just like Arthur Dent’s house, useless and in the way for something better. The Vogans address Earth as nothing more than construction and insinuate that if they couldn’t travel light years to read the fine print of the demolishment of Earth than they are better off dead. In the Hitchhiker’s guide to save room, humans were written in as “harmless” and why shouldn’t they be? Humans were for their whole existence ignorant to the fact that there was more than just…
Once upon a time two men were looking outside through the prison bars, one of the men saw mud while the other saw stars. The stories and experiences of our lives shape and channel the way we view our surrounding world. ideology, social and individual differences all reflect the differences in people’s conceptualisations. Bell emphasises this by telling the story of a grandmother and his grandson whom were viewing the glacier point in Yosemite. The elderly women saw wasted land that should be used for human need such as housing while his grandson saw the beauty of nature. Just as Barry attested, the environment can mean different things depending on how you define and understand it, or who defines it (Barry, 2007).…
Through the facts listed and information stated, the strategy of logos is clearly shown, using reasoning to argue their theories to the audience. This article provided several minor arguments using their facts, yet there was no overall driven argument, more of seeing the reasoning behind the two sides of the Anthropocene. A clear idea of the author’s argument would have helped the readers to decide whether they believe in whether the Anthropocene epoch is worth pursuing and if so, finding a specific date to begin to research more into what we can do to stop the cause of negative reactions based on our…
“Event Horizon” is a site-specific work by Kara Walker commissioned by the New School University that wraps around the walls in the staircase found in the lobby at Arnhold Hall. The piece was commissioned in 2005 and there are clear signs of student interaction with finger smudges along where the railing touches the wall. The piece is done with latex paint on wall using only black paint to create the shapes on the wall. The artist’s piece revolves around the ideas and stories that African slaves experienced during the time of their captivity, which the author achieves at a successful level with the use of movement in the painting. This use of movement expresses the emotions of both the slaves and their owners, inviting the viewer to understand the troubles the slaves experienced while under captivity.…
Poetry is a very powerful mechanism through which writers can tell their readers something about themselves or the world around them. The language within “Traveling Through the Dark” by William Stafford and “Woodchucks” by Maxine Kumin display the speakers’ psychology and what sort of relationships they have with the animals and their deaths in their respective works. Despite being similar in a few aspects, these two works are very different.…
In the movie Albert Gore appeals to logos by piling up deliberate evidence to further convince people about the crisis of global warming. He illustrates his point with dynamic graphs and charts, one of which indicates the rapid change in temperature associating with the escalation of carbon dioxide, are displayed with movement owning to the multi-media. Secondly, Gore targets the audience’s emotions several times in appeal of pathos. According to Plato, Socrates “likens himself to a GADFLY (a horsefly). Just as a gadfly constantly agitates a horse, preventing it from becoming sluggish and going to sleep so too Socrates, by (moving through the City) stirring up conversations in the marketplace, prevents the City from becoming sluggish, careless and intolerant (thinking it knows something when it doesn't).”…
For nearly two and a half years between 2008 and 2010, San Francisco, California was host to two parallel worlds. Simultaneous to the quotidian urbanity, a burgeoning venue for spatial and ludic interrogation intertwined itself with the city’s urban fabric. The evidence of this second world sprouted gradually: strange flyers on street corners advertising fantastical and unbelievable technologies, cryptic graffiti, and a pirate radio station that was only within range from the city’s Mission Dolores Park. In response, thousands of San Franciscans enlisted and engaged with this parallel realm over the course of its operation. These participants endeavoured on quests across the city in the name of Eva, a vagabond artist who had…
Have you ever wondered how mankind affects the world around it? Humans not only affect the world, but each other. In the short stories, "August 2026" and "The Pedestrian", Ray Bradbury discusses how he pictures the future. Ray Bradbury uses the setting to convey a negative connotation towards mankind and technology to help unravel the theme that mankind is ultimately destroying itself.…
Enemies of Copernicus and the Church criticized his book. Especially the fact that he couldn't explain why the Earth orbits the sun, and his model couldn't provide accurate data. Copernicus didn't get much credit while he was alive, but his idea started to catch on.…
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (also known as HG2G, HHGTTG or H2G2) is a comedy science fiction novel written by Douglas Adams. The book is a part of a “trilogy” of five books. It was first published in 1978 as a radio series on BBC. Later it got adapted to other formats for example stage shows, novels, comic books, TV series, a video game and a movie made in 2005. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has become an international phenomenon in social media around the world. The novels have been translated into more than 30 languages. Douglas Adams is well known, and his novels have spread all around the world.…
The nuclear power plant stands on the border between humanity's greatest hopes and its deepest fears for the future.…
If the Earth continues to get worse, this may be the end of it, the end of us. More natural disasters and disease’s outbreaks…