
Summary: The New Divide

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The New Divide
Introduction: When change happens, does the change happen immediately or does it take generations for people to notice a difference? The change happening in the southern United States after the Civil War was one that would take a time no one expected. Many citizens thought the end of the Civil War would bring people together but the separation of people was still the same. In this paper, I will conclude that the divide of former slaves and slave owners was still strong and the slave owners did not want to change their ways of life and used anything in their power to get back to older times. The paper will be divided in three parts. The start will discuss the end of the Civil War and the difficulties the former slaves still faced,
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But, the views of both the north and the south were drastically different. It was a new life for former slave owners as now they have lost lots of their property. Also, it was a whole new experience for former slaves who now were free for the first time ever. Many former slaves had no idea what to do now because they were used to the forced labor they had to do every day. The racism in the south still lived so it was not easy for the former slaves to find new jobs. Some of the new free slaves migrated up north to find better opportunities to support themselves. Theothers still had to face hardships they faced while being property. The new practice the former slave owners used was called peonage. This new way of slavery was a way for former slave owners to try to achieve the former way of life they …show more content…

The slave owners tried everything they could to keep their slaves. They tried peonage, discriminatory laws, and gave them no education to succeed in life. The former slaves should’ve been given their freedom and justice when the war was over. Some basic justices they should’ve gotten include a chance at education and a type of compensation. This discrimination in the south lasted for about fifty more years until Martin Luther King Jr. saw the differences between whites and blacks. The justice for freed slaves took a long time to obtain and we should be aware of the difficulties the former slaves went

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