Please print this packet and write the answers to the questions on this first page directly on the paper. Type the answers to the study questions. Bring the completed packet on the first day of class for a homework grade. After receiving instructions in class, you will also submit your answers to these questions to Turn It In.
What is your name?
Marisa Whitfield
How many books did you read in the past year?
I read probably 7 books.
During the summer months when school is not in session, how often do you read? (Circle one.)
I read less than once a week.
For which novel are you completing this reading guide? You must choose one of the following: …show more content…
WHen she runs away she doesn't realize how much work it is going to be. After T.Ray tells her that her mother doesn't love her and she was the one who killed her mother, she goes in her room. She see the bee jar is open and the bee is gone, she takes that as a sign saying she needs to leave her home. She runs away and on the way to run away she picks up Rosaleen. Rosaleen was in jail for pouring snuff spit on three white mens shoes that were harassing her. Lily went to the jail to get Rosaleen but she is in the hospital because she wouldn't apologize to the white men so they beat her up again pretty badly. Lily sneaks Rosaleen out and they head to Tiburon. They head there because Lily saw that town on the back of the black Mary picture her mom had. When they get there , Lily goes inside of a general store and when she gets in there she sees black Madonna honey. The honey package has the same picture of black Mary on it like the one Lily has. She ask the man in the store where the honey is made and he says it's made in a pink house in Tiburon. She goes to the house and Rosaleen is being very nice and welcomes them into their home. June wasnt to find of the idea of a white girl lin=ing in her house. Rosaleen didn't care though. Rosaleen was like the answer to her