Superhero films as a popular culture are a phenomenon that has experienced fluctuating amounts of success and change throughout its long history, spanning over seventy years. With origins in comic book lore, the mythology of superheroes emerged in 1940s films and has ultimately become a multibillion dollar empire. Over the last century, the heroes and mythology within superhero films drawn from various comic book universes have established an unrivalled relationship with audiences, who access the media through consumption of film, merchandise and paraphernalia. This lasting connection is often attributed to the capacity of comic book mythology to connect with different generations of people across time and levels of society through …show more content…
POsotivel, superhero films lend a sense of collaboration and community, bringing the world together through themes of redemption and collaboration, most particularly seen in Avengers:: Age of ultra and x-men, which encourage values of openness and acceptance, and the working together of people of different beliefs and origins, breaking down barriers between people. These messages of anti-racism and anti-discrimination have real-world effects. Likewise, on a micro level, these medias are abel to join people together through a shared love of the popular culture and its mythology, the relatable human values of the heroes allowing people to identify with them more and encouraging a love and connection with the popular culture. ON a micro level, this encourages connections between people and a closer society, and also solidifies the commodification of the popular culture. Although this occurs between individual people within a community on a micro and meso level, this process also occurs on a macro level. An example of this can be seen in the event of Comic Con, a worlwide event created in ___ often based in LA that revolves around the shared love of popular cultures, including to a large extent super heroes. This event draws people from all over the world to the same physical place in order to share their love and connection with the superhero genre, for many younger generations this love beginning through the creation and consumption of media of super hero films. This process has been made ex[opnentially easier to occur with the innovation alf technology and the role it plays in modern society, especially in the process of globalisation and the sharing of values and beliefs among people. Without the roel that superhero popular culture has played in this process, much of what exists today in relation to global communication and connection could not exist. This impact is positive