Learning Observations- organizations that adapt and grow to cater to new markets and build on new ideas.
Green thumb leadership- supportive rather than directive leadership to encourage employee innovation. Peter M. Senge mid 1990’s. must nurture employees to grow Judith estrin.
Supportive, protect new initiatives, encouraging risk taking & flexibility. Foster open communication lines between themselves and employees protect new ideas, eliminate threats to new idea generation.
Learning leaders- active leaders of change that participate in co-inquiry. Patricia Fritts
Distinctions between management and leadership
Creating and agenda ;(management) planning&budgeting, steps for achieving each goal allocating the resources needed to complete those goals.(leadership) establish direction, develop a vision, and strategies
Developing a human network for achieving the agenda;(management) organizing and staffing, structuring, staffing that structures with individuals, delegating responsibility to carry out a plan, providing policies and procedures, cerate methods to monitor implementation.(Leadership) aligning people, communicating the direction by words to influence the teams that understand the vision
Executive plans;(management) controlling and problem solving, monitor