Definition of supervision Supervision is a process by which workers are helped by a designated staff member to learn according to their needs, to make the best use of their knowledge and skills, and to improve their abilities so that they do their jobs more effectively and with increasing satisfaction to themselves and the agency.
- Margaret Williamson, 1950 Supervision is defined as ―An art or a process by which designated individual or group of individuals oversee the work of others and establish controls to improve the work as well as the worker‖.
Chain of supervision: Supervision implies that every manager is in direct contact with his subordinates and oversees their work performance. Top management supervises the work of middle level management which I turn supervises the first line managers or supervisory staff, as it is called in daily practice. The first line managers are in direct physical contact with the workers. Thus, all levels of management are generally engaged in direct contact with the subordinates, but the lowest level managers have as their primary duty the supervision of workers in basic operations. That is why, the mangers at the lowest level are known as
References: Basavanthappa BT. ‘Nursing Administration’ 2nd edition. New Delhi. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2009. T N Chhabra. ‘Principles & Practice of Management’. 7th edition. New Delhi. Dhanpat Rai & Co Educational & Technical Publishers. 2002. Rebecca A. Patronis Jones. ‘Nursing Leadership and Management theories, processes, and practice’. Philadelphia. F.A. Davis Company. 2007.