To Stimulate Cross-Border Trade in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies
Jan van Roekel, Director, Agri Chain Competence center Sabine Willems, Agri Chain Competence center Dave M. Boselie, Wageningen UR – Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI)
‘s-Hertogenbosch, 19 August 2002
World Bank PaperCross-Border Agri Supply Chain Management
Table of Contents
Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Perspectives for Chain Partners in Developing Countries................................................................. 4 Agri Supply Chain Management ...................................................................................................... 5 Supply Chains .............................................................................................................................. 6 Building Supply Chains ................................................................................................................ 7 Chain Competence ....................................................................................................................... 8 Cross-Border Chains..................................................................................................................... 9 Supply Chain Management and its Benefits.................................................................................. 10 Supply Chain Management Tools ................................................................................................ 10 3. Role of Government in Agri-Chain Development........................................................................ 12 Public-Private Partnerships ......................................................................................................... 12 International organizations
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