Negotiation - Porto
This case is written by the authors of your textbook, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, but may have been edited for our use in this course.
This is a TEAM assignment. Read and discuss this mini-case and answer the 5 questions at the end of the case. In this manner, you will develop a negotiation plan for the buyer. The very best way to approach this team case is to work on all aspects (each question) of this case together. If you simply divide up the questions and assemble individual answers, you will not have the best learning experience.
Only ONE member should post the case analysis for the team. Your analysis must be posted to SAFE ASSIGNMENT™ on our Blackboard™ site by the date and time stated in the Assignments section of Blackboard™. When a grade is posted, this member must share the posted feedback with all teammates…..only the person who posted the team analysis can view the feedback comments on Blackboard™.
The case information for the buyer begins on the page 3 of this assignment sheet. Answer the 5 questions at the end of the case (they are listed on the last page, after Exhibit 3B). Do NOT copy this assignment sheet as part of your analysis… you can imagine, that results in a high plagiarism percentage in Safe Assignment.
It is easier for me to grade assignments if they are in a standard format. Please format your Word™ document in this manner (this is normally your default mode for new documents): • Times New Roman 12-point font • Single spaced lines • ‘Print Layout’ view at 100% • Page margins of 1 inch top/bottom and 1.25 inches left/right • Demarcate each question and your response into a distinct section • On the first page, place the name of each team member • If the assignment includes spreadsheet analysis, please use Excel™ and “paste special” into your document. • Save your work as a Word™ file before you submit it to Safe