Outcome 1: Know the policies and procedures of the setting for promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour
1.1: Describe the policies and procedures of the school that are relevant to promoting children’s positive behaviour (e.g. behaviour policy, code of conduct, anti-bullying).
All adults who work at Queens park have a responsibility to model a high standard of behaviour as their example of behaviour has a significant influence on the children’s behaviour.
Queens Park Primary School aim to create an environment which encourages and reinforces good behaviour and positive attitudes, and this is done through promoting the school
'Behaviour Policy’.
Behaviour Policy: This policies purpose is to create a positive, orderly and inclusive learning environment for the teacher to teach and the pupils to learn. It is a guideline to all staff of how pupils behaviour be managed. It important that this policy is constantly being applied to ensure that each child thrives. It will help pupils develop self-respect, self-control and accountability for their own behaviour. All staff must be familiar with this policy.
Code of conduct: A set of rules/guidelines for the pupils so they understand how they should behave and what is expected of them. It is designed to show children how they can achieve acceptable standards of behaviour. Rules are displayed throughout the school and reinforced to all by staff continuously; also there is a Home – School Agreement. The Teacher, Parent/Career and Pupil are all expected to sign the agreement and follow out there role.
(I have included a copy of the Home – School Agreement)
Anti Bullying: Bullying takes a variety of different forms, all staff has a responsibility to recognise these and take action at the first instance. The policy lists some of the most significant:
Physical – hitting, kicking, taking or damaging belongings
Verbal – name