2. WINE PRODUCTION * Background 1 * Medoc 1 * Importance of Wine 2 * Improving the Wine Profits 2 * Sustaining Wine Production 2
3. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT * Background 3 * Recruitment 3 * Development 3 * Aesthetic Labour 3 * Change Management 4
4. MARKETING * Importance 4 * Destination 4 * Social Media 5
5. CONCLUSIONS * Area of Strength 5 * Area of Weakness 5
6. RECOMMENDATIONS * Staff 5 * Management 6 * Hotel 6
The hotel is facing a lot of problems, and the main intention of the hotel is to solve the current issues that are affecting the success of the hotel. The report is an overall study of the three main problems in order of importance, firstly wine production and vineyard. Human resource management within the hotel is the second problem. Thirdly, is the low marketing of the hotel. All these problems would be tackled and the solutions for these problems are suggested. Even the recommendations for the betterment of the hotel in future are given.
Hotel Moulin à Vent is an age old property in the Medoc region of France. Most of the facilities are left unattended for a long time. The hotel has 95 rooms, and most of the rooms are not similar, they are disproportional. It has a beautiful windmill that is now used as a store room. It even has a big swimming pool, and a large shaded garden with rusted furniture.
Wine Production
Wine is very famous in France regions as the best wines in the world are grown there. And this hotel has its own vineyard. The vineyard of this hotel is the major asset of the hotel as most of the guests appreciate the wine from this hotel and come
References: Hall C. Michael, 2003, 1st Edition; Wine, Food & Tourism Marketing, The Haworth Hospitality Press. O’Fallon J. Michael, 2010; 5th Edition; Hotel Management and Operations; John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Sharpley Richard, 2005; 1st Edition; The Management of Tourism; SAGE Publications Limited. Paton A. Robert, 2008; 3rd Edition; Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation, SAGE Publications Limited. Ronald Conardy, 2011; 1st Edition; Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2011; Springer- Verlag Dordrecht, Inc. Pizam Abraham, 2000; 1st Edition; Consumer Behaviour in Travel and Tourism; The Haworth Hospitality Press. Fesenmaier R. Daniel, 1996; 1st Edition; Recent Advances in Tourism Marketing Research; The Haworth Press, Inc. Jackson S. Ronald, 2008; 3rd Edition, Wine Science: Principles and Applications, Elsevier Inc. Baum Tom, 2006; 1st Edition; Human Resource Management for the Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure: An International Perspective; Dennis Nickson Publications by Elsevier Limited. Sims R. Ronald, 2006; 1st Edition, Human Resource Development: Today and Tomorrow; Information Age Publishing Inc. Nickson Dennis, 2007; 1st Edition, Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries; Elsevier Limited http://www.lodiwine.com/sustainable-viticulture-practices