A SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is a popular anduseful way to outline areas of potential action that will help in enhancing an industry’sperformance. Identification of competitive advantages and unique selling points ishelpful in identifying market opportunities. A SWOT analysis is also useful inidentifying areas of weakness, which could damage any potential marketing effort.Conducted effectively, a SWOT analysis is a powerful tool that gives a clear picture of an industry’s overall competitive position.
SWOT Analysis of Canadian Fisheries:
ü Industry is well-positioned geographically to serve markets in Asia, the U.S. andEurope ü Catches of higher value shellfish have stabilized at high levels ü Long term demand for capture seafood will remain strong as global productionhas peaked at the same time as populations are growing ü Canada has a reputation in major markets as a reliable supplier of high-quality,high-value seafood from a pristine environment ü Demand in primary markets such as the U.S. and China is growing rapidly ü Individual quotas have made the harvesting sector in some fisheries veryprofitable ü The aggressive approach of B.C.-based companies has made Vancouver aconduit for some U.S. seafood products to China ü Strong per capita consumption in Canada makes its domestic market attractive
ü Landings are not likely to increase in groundfish or salmon ü Excess processing capacity has reduced profitability and efficiency of theprocessing sector ü Provincial political factors reduce efficiency of the processing sector and limitmarket opportunities (i.e. coldwater shrimp in Newfoundland)
Market Outlook in the International Fish & Seafood SectorH.M. Johnson & Associates36 ü Seafood export marketing programs at the generic level are weak ü The decline in stocks of snow