Equip with adequate facilities. Kolej Teknologi Bistari (KTB) has provided sufficient facilities in order to enhance their students’ learning environment. KTB has a spacious theatre hall which can occupy 220 students and was appropriately complemented with video and audio system that suitable for classes, conferences, seminars, meetings, exhibitions and student activities. Other than that, KTB also equip with six lecture halls and three tutorial halls with capacity up to 60 students per each. Besides that, there were seven computer laboratories with 200 units computers and three nursing laboratories. Furthermore, KTB also provided three blocks of hostel, two basketball courts, one sepak takraw court, futsal, table tennis, volleyball and badminton court.
Implement staff development program. KTB encouraged their staff to develop and enhance their teaching and qualification by carry out a variety of development programs. They have chosen 30 academic and administrative staff to pursue their education at doctorate and master’s level in public universities. The objective of to implement this development programs is to advance the quality of education that will carry out to the students with more holistic intellectual.
Offer academic programs with cheaper tuition fee. Price sometimes will be the factor that customers concern about. Compare with the others competitor like Kolej Islam Sains and Teknologi (KIST), Shahputra College, Jaiputra College, and Information College and Technology (CICT), KTB has provided the cheapest diploma programs compare to their competitors. KTB just cost RM18, 000 for diploma programs, while RM20, 000, RM24, 000 and RM30, 000. KTB’s tuition fee is affordable for the students who are from low income family. So, KTB has this competitive advantage when they compete with their competitors.
Carry out poor human resource management. The CEO of this college is keep changing in 6 years. The CEO before