As LUC students, we are very fortunate to have food readily available to us in the dining halls. The food options off campus around LUC are minimal, so it is ideal to have halls on campus that have different foods to choose from. These halls have many different problems surrounding the specific dining experience though, which affects current and prospective students, faculty, and staff. A recent article from the Phoenix reports that the hygiene of the dining hall employees has room for improvement. A student claimed, “he saw dining hall workers go out for a cigarette and come straight back to serving food” (Beckford 1). There have been reports of bugs in the salad bar and mold in the icemakers. Also, the dining halls have received lower levels on food inspections due to temperature problems that could potentially affect anyone who eats there. Although there were reports of roaches at the University of Chicago in 2012, which is worse than any reports at LUC, it is still very important that LUC works to improve the hygiene at their dining halls (Beckford 2).
Dining halls are a convenient place for students to meet and socialize with each other. Building community is a very important part of LUC’s mission and by improving the dining experience for the students; it builds community and works toward the “student promise” that is so stressed by the University. Megan Beaupre, a junior at LUC, says, “I met my three best friends, who are now my roommates, in the dining hall freshman year. The main thing we bonded over was the gross food and dirty dining halls though.” This is not the reputation that LUC is striving for; increasing good hygiene in the halls will only in turn improve the quality of the food and the atmosphere. We recommend the following improvements: * Retrain the current management and employees or hire new management to improve the leadership. With new management, closer eyes can be kept on the