F. Nations
Course Syllabus
English 2/ 10th Grade
Section 3
Section 3 is designed to discover, observe and illustrate the human condition within the intricacies of war during WW2 Europe and United States through the artistic expression of drama, writing, and design.
World War 2
Driving Question:
How can we, as Learners of History, portray characters and events authentically to represent the social and political environment in Europe and the United States during World War 2.
Choose ONE of the following 3 projects:
1. Docudrama of a significant event of WW2
Must have: 4 characters, Written Dialogue in proper format (that is turned in and graded) Actors must have lines memorized, Costumes, Special Effects, a Conclusion Monologue by one of the characters, or Chorus. There must be one major event, 10 significant facts of history within the presentation, and a Conclusion Monologue must continue the story as well as give opinion/perspective of the participants. Final product can be videotaped or performed.
2. Artistic Rendition
(build a model of an invention designed and used during WW2)
Must have: 3-dimentional model of invention designed and used during WW2. Model must be at least 18” square and be accompanied my tags of description and a copy of descriptions in a written form, as well as a bibliography to hand in and be graded. It would be brilliant if model was kinetic.
3. Write a Story from perspective of a real-life person during WW2.
Must have: Must be 15 pages in length, have some direct dialogue, must have 25 facts relating to the social and political environment of Europe and/or United States, and a