Total marks: 100
Unit-01 Introduction to NCC:
Introduction, NCC Motto, NCC Flag, Aims of NCC, NCC organization, NCC Training: Institutional Training, Camp Training, Social Service & Community Development, Youth Exchange Programme, Adventure Training & Sports, NCC Song, Incentives for NCC Cadets.
Unit-02 National Integration:
Meaning and Importance, Unity in Diversity, Indian History and Culture, Religion and Customs of India, India and Its Neighbors, Contribution of Youth in Nation Building.
Unit-03 Leadership:
Meaning, Leadership Traits, Types of Leadership, Discipline & Duty of a good citizen, Personality Development, Motivation, Code of Ethics, Perception, Communication, Customs of Services, Importance of Team Work.
Unit-04 Social Services:
Social services and its importance, Social Service Activities, HIV/AIDS: Causes & Prevention, Cancer: Causes & Prevention, Contribution of Youth towards Social Welfare, NGOs and their Contribution to Society.
Reference: 1. Cadet's Hand Book Common Subject, All Wings, By DGNCC, New Delhi. 2. Cadet's Hand Book Specialized Subject Army, By DGNCC, New Delhi.
B.A/ .Program Semester –II
National Cadet Corps (NCC)-II
Total marks: 100
Unit:01 Civil Defence and Fire Fighting Civil Defence: Meaning, Organization and its Duties, Civil Defence Services. Fire Fighting: Meaning, Mode of fire, Fire Fighting Parties, Fire Fighting Equipments. Unit-02 Disaster Management: