The predictable film, The Truman Show stars Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey, who, as a baby, was adopted by a film company to be the star in his own life. He is raised in a temperature controlled utopia dubbed Seahaven, supposedly in Florida, created by the director, Christof, played by Peter Weir. Everyone around him is an actor cast to play a role in Truman’s life. The catch is, Truman is oblivious, and has no idea that his life is being broadcasted for the world. When he develops an interest in being an explorer Christof develops a scheme to give Truman a fear of water. One day when Truman is 7 years old, him and his film father are fishing, a storm comes up and Truman’s father is thrown overboard, …show more content…
My parents have always been controlling but that has not always been a bad thing. A prime example of this in my life is me driving with my friends. They do not allow me to drive with my friends if they do not know them well or know their driving abilities, they do not want to put me in a possibly unsafe situation. At first, I didn’t think that it was fair and I was pretty disappointed, all my friends would go out at lunch time and I would have to stay back at school alone. But after a while, I realized that they were only putting that rule in place for my safety. They did not want me to end up in an accident with an inexperienced driver and possibly get injured or worse. Even though not going out is not a popular opinion it has kept me safe thus