Life has its way of getting so crazy to the point where it makes people want to escape their life and head off into the wild. Chris McCandless was no stranger to this, in April of 1992, McCandless began what he called his “great Alaskan odyssey” (Krakauer 203). McCandless left everything he knew behind and wondered off into the wild. People ask what makes one want to leave everything behind and just live off the country. Looking at McCandless’s motives for heading off into the wild, it makes sense to at least try.…
The topic of Source One is how explorers and colonists of the New World took part in horrific, illegal events to colonize the foreign lands, but yet they were not the ones who suffered from these events. This phenomenon is portrayed in the source through the image of a wanted poster for Christopher Columbus, where Columbus is wanted for several offences including: genocide, racism, initiating the destruction of a culture and rape. The poster also goes on to state that the reward for Columbus is “500 years of tourism”. The reward symbolizes how despite the atrocities that the explorers and colonizers took part in, they would be remembered throughout history for their accomplishments and not the horrendous events that brought them to those successes. The illustrator’s perspective on the source is the idea that colonizers of the New World were…
A research study entitled, Exploratory Investigation on the Hypoglycemic Effect of Abelmoschus Esculentus in Miceconducted was conducted by John Ray T. Perez et al (2013). Their paper made an exploratory investigation on the hypoglycemic effect of a common food item known as ―okra‖ or Abemoschus esculentus (EA). Six (6) mice were randomly selected and grouped into 2 groups and were given extracts from the fruit of Abelmoschus esculentus (EA)/okra which was chopped into three pieces and was soak in 250ml potable water overnight. 1st group is the Control Group and the 2nd group is the Treatment Group. Average results of the two (2) groups are determined and recorded upon conducting this experimental research. The Control Group has an average result of 94mg/dl in the 1st test, 99mg/dl in the 2nd test, 94mg/dl in the 3rd test, 101mg/dl in the 4th test,…
Diversity can be defined as variety of different things. In the context of teaching adults in lifelong learning diversity can be described as a variety of different cultures.…
Any differences amongst a group should be acknowledged and respectfully embraced. Where appropriate and relevant, differences could be celebrated in a factual manner. EG., acknowledging the multi-cultural aspect of the subject and its many influences. Teaching of this nature would assist to promote the positive recognition of Diversity amongst students and teachers.…
Sojourner Truth in her speech, "Ain't I a Woman?" demonstrates that she's tired of inequality and fights for women's rights by having comebacks to the white men that don't think negro women like herself should have rights. In Malala Yousafika's interview, she views education as a gift and feels girl should also have the right to go to school. Both of these women feel women are as capable as men. Sojourner and Malala both express defiance against the law, show persistence for what they are fighting for, and fought morally for women's rights.…
• Ensure diversity is included within my teaching – making reference and using examples from a variety of cultures, religions,…
Now in our society, the demands and expectation for students to have a higher education and be more advance has elevated. Students should be able to mastered their basic course like Math and English which leds to the question whether Common core should be considerate in student’s education from K-12 grades. Common core develop a set of standard that every students should exceeds or at least met. This allowed the students to see where they are placed and what they needs to improve on. However, many people, especially parents oppose the idea of Common Core. They dislike the facts that parents ’t able to help their child who is struggling on their homework. The debate about this issue has been getting hotter ever since the state education chiefs and the governors had developed the Common Core.…
The focus of this article is the bias found in evolutionary and endocrinological studies. These studies serve the purpose of defining and tracing human nature through evolution and present times. Evolutionary studies address the description of human descent from primates. These studies seek to outline the sequence of changes and mechanisms of action that make up the evolution of humans from primates. The general theory of evolution is used to reconstruct history with facts and evidence from fossils and other remains. Endocrinology is the study of how hormones affect human anatomy and physiology, behavior, and cognition.…
Moral obligations can be seen a variety of different ways, depending on the person. Some may think it is a person’s moral obligation to submit to a law even if they believe the law is wrong. Others think the opposite, if a person believes something is unjust why would they follow it. Everyone has a different point of view and after reading The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne, The Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr., Laws Scarlet Letter by Korobkin and Lyceum Address by Lincoln, it is important to follow ones conscience. This may seem unjust, but is it just to support an unjust law? This is where the controversy comes in, and why after reading these three types of literature, the idea of supporting something unjust is completely wrong and breaks down the justice system.…
In the face of adversity, the beliefs of an individual may be greatly altered, or even liquidated, leading to the lack of execution or bad behavior. Even if a person with strong beliefs and morals is put into a difficult and unexpected situation, they may completely and unwillingly disregard their beliefs and morals and act accordingly, or not at all. Around lots of people, when bystander apathy or diffusion of responsibility is present, the individual may be affected by it as well. In Night, Elie knew that his father was “on the brink of death, and yet [he] still abandoned him” (Wiesel 11). Elie had prayed to the “God in whom [he] no longer believed” to never abandon his father, yet at such a difficult time, he simply did it (Wiesel 97). In the Perils of Obedience, the subject, Prozi, first “[refused] to take the responsibility” because the subject was in there “hollering” (Milgram 23). Immediately after the Experimenter said that he was “responsible for anything that happens to him”, the Prozi simply said “all right” (Milgram 23). This proves that the majority of people in a difficult situation will simply wait for somebody else to take responsibility for any wrong doings, or lack of action at all. If the experimenter remained silent, Prozi would have immediately stopped, knowing all responsibility lay on him. In the face of adversity, anyone’s beliefs can be changed, either because the individual is dumbfounded and doesn’t know what to do, or because they know that the responsibility of something horrid, is not…
The journal is a study that was done in an American high school in which Betsy Gilliland evaluated the reading and writing performance of multilingual learners along with English native speakers. The study was done with a ninth grade English class at a California public high school. Betsy Gilliland argued that teacher’s curriculums are being restricted by the Department of Education. Education policy has the power to determine what is taught in the classroom (Gilliland,2015). Nowadays, the students are being taught based on a specific curriculum that is not modified to multicultural learners not even to regular student’s needs. Therefore, teachers find themselves in a crucial position because they are being tight up to a curriculum that doesn’t…
With me becoming a first time teacher I believe that it is extremely important to be open to new cultures. I want my classroom to be a place students feel welcomed and where they want to share about their own backgrounds with others. There are a couple ways I believe I could achieve these goals. One is by bringing in elements from other races, another could be information books or stories about other cultures, and lastly the most important is to have lots of knowledge on other cultures than my own. Having a diverse classroom would be much easier to learn about different races and cultures. But, living in a small town its much harder to understand and learn about race that’s how I think books and stories would help in a smaller town. In the book Beyond heroes and holidays, the author mentions how she starts off her semester with their students asking them to describe some of their beliefs about teaching and about how society works (Lee, Menkart, & Okazawa-Rey, 2008).I believe this would be a great way to teach, as well as gain a new understanding to the students’ viewpoints on race. This activity is also something that students can see their views evolving throughout the year and will defiantly be something I will be using as a tool in the…
Teaching and using multicultural literature in the classroom is very important for teacher to encourage students to read books that are culturally diverse. It is very important for students to become diverse and learn about their friend family traditions. By introducing multicultural literature in the classroom you are preventing prejudices and stereotypes from your students minds and to the rest of their lives.…
I strongly believe that teaching diversity and acceptance of differences is one of the most important concepts that can be accomplished by a teacher. We in America have so many different ethnic groups and races, that it makes it even more important to be able to accept diversity. In the classroom, these differences should be celebrated as a positive learning experience. Unfortunately, in the dictionary, the word diversity comes just before the word division, and some educators teach diversity as such. When diversity is taught, it should be done in a way that brings everyone together, not…