PEACE AND SECURITY The UN calls for cessations of violence in Syria, calling it a crucial moment. Their goal isn’t to completely intervene but to create an environment where a serious and credible political process could be had. The protest movement has already taken 9000 lives. The UN is calling for an immediate halt of violence between South Sudan, and Sudan after South Sedan was bombed. A UN representative from the UN said there is no military solution to resolve conflict. He also pushed Sudan to work towards dialogue with Sudan to help bring peace. Through this you can see that the UN is working towards the goal of World peace and security for all Nations involved.
The UN has been working to stop the spread of malaria, the main focus being the highest concentration of malaria victims which is Africa. Even though there’s been a lot done already to minimize the number of deaths so far, the UN wants to ensure its goal of zero deaths to Maleria in 2015. The UN is collecting donations and working towards 3.2 Billion dollar goal that they will need to ensure their goal. The UN has also been working towards helping the need for fresh water in the pacific islands which have an extremely difficult time getting fresh water at this time of year because of the amount of precipitation. Once again, it is clear that the UN is constantly working towards the development of third world countries
HUMAN RIGHTS In the area of Human rights the UN is currently calling for a halt of the use of military courts on civilians in Gaza. Military courts in this area have been ordering constant death sentences, many of these orders are handed down to the military to carry out on citizens. The UN is fighting for the civilians rights to a fair trial which does not happen very often in military courts, because the civilian is being tried without being able to defend themselves properly, this could lead to the wrong people getting executed. The UN