1.0 Current System 3 2.0 Problem & Requirement from Waiters On Wheels 3 3.0 Solution 4 4.0 Recommend System 4 5.0 Feasibility Report 5 5.1 Technical Feasibility 5 5.2 Operational Feasibility 6 5.2.1 Performance 6 5.2.2 Information 7 5.2.3 Economy 7 5.2.4 Control 8 5.2.5 Efficiency 9 5.2.6 Service 9 5.3 Economic Feasibility 10 5.3.1 Economic Benefits 12 5.3.2 Return of Investment Analysis 13 5.4 Schedule Feasibility 14 5.4.1 Workload Matrix 14 5.4.2 Gantt Chart 15 5.4.3 PERT Chart 15 6.0 Methodology 16 6.1 SSADM 16 6.2 OO Method 18 6.3 Comparison 18 7.0 Fact Finding Techniques 19 7.1 Interview 19 7.2 Questionnaire 20 7.3 Document Review 23 8.0 Design Phase 24 8.1 Data Flow Diagram 24 8.1.1 Context Diagram 24 8.1.2 Diagram 0 25 8.1.3 Diagram 1 26 8.2 Entity Relationship Diagram 29 8.3 Entity Life History 30 8.3.1 Customer 30 8.3.2 Restaurant 31 8.3.3 Driver 31 9.0 Appendices 32 10.0 References 36 10.1 Book References 36 10.2 Web References 36
1.0 Current System
The functions of the current system are when the customer calls in wanting to order, they need to record it into a piece of paper. After that, they need to send the orders to the right restaurant. When the food is ready, they need to know the location of all drivers so that they can ask the driver who is nearer to the area to pick up the order. So, they need drivers to call in and to tell them whether they are free. Sometimes when customer calls back wanting to change their orders, they need to change the order from the original order and notify the particular restaurant to make the change.
As a driver, they will get the copy of the bills directly from the restaurant when they pick up the meal, which should match with the calculations. The drivers collect the amount plus a service charge. When drivers report back when closing, Tom will add up the
References: a. SmartDraw.com, 2007, SSADM Diagrams [Online], California, America, Available from http://www.smartdraw.com/examples/ view/index.aspx?catID=.Examples.SmartDraw.Software_Design.SSADM_Diagrams [Accessed 24th July 2007] b. Jupitermedia Corporation, 2007, SSADM [Online], Darien, CT, Available from http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/S/SSADM.html [Accessed 27th August 2007]