In the previous section of this service request system solution proposal, we cited Riordan Manufacturing current position in the global plastics manufacturing market as an existing world leader, that has every intent to maintain that namesake by continuing to develop its technology both o the production line as well as behind the scenes where it supports those individuals that work hard every day to keep Riordan Manufacturing in the upper echelon, elite class of global business that are providing for the world’s needs in mass quantities on a daily basis. Riordan Manufacturing started out as a small, licensing Dr Riodan’s patents, but it has grown into a strong corporation that employs over 500 professionals in its offices located in Albany, Georgia, Pontiac Michigan, San Jose, California and it’s international office located in Hangzhou, China. The company’s growth over the last two decades and its resulting assets are considerable. For example, the companies assets are valued at over $1 billion.
After receiving a service request from Hugh McCauley, the corporate operations officer for Riordan Manufacturing, who expressed a desire to enhance the level of technology used at Riordan Manufacturing, wanted our company to analyze Riordan Manufacturing’s current human resources technology in-place in that department and consolidate the array of applications they currently use into a single, integrated system that will serve their functional needs and introduce their employees to the latest technology. Our team understands Riordan Manufacturing’s need for new technology and their desire to expose their personnel to the latest, cutting-edge methods available to members of the human resources management environment, so that those same tools and methods may be exposed to their human resources personnel and exploited in every imaginable way to make Riordan Manufacturing more productive by giving their employees an enhanced sense of peace of mind by managing
References: Riordan Manufacturing, Service Request SR-rm-004, (2011). ConsumerSearch (2011) Apollo Group. (2003, 2004, 2006). Riordan Manufacturing. Retrieved from