a set of instruments and language that is meant to clarify about how the systems actually operate and the behaviors that are found within (Systems Thinking, 2014). According to Arnold and Wade (2015) the use of the skill known as system thinking can be used to more thoroughly comprehend the root of complex behaviors so that problems can be better predicated and outcomes can be adjusted accordingly. When broken down, means that system thinking is the things that are used to explain how a system works. System thinking also allows for adjustment of the system so that problem areas can be adjusted so that the desired outcome is achieved (Arnold & Wade, 2015). System thinking allows individuals to approach complicated, involved problems that can be persistent into things that can be managed more efficiently (http://appliedsystemsthinking.com/whatis_st.html, 2008). This way of rationalizing can be beneficial to systems that may have recurrent organizations problems and make they system more efficient. Dynamic complexity, as defined by The Business Dictionary (2017), as a complicated setting that has many possible interconnections between the different parts.
According to Brady and Davies (2014) dynamics, in an organizations refers to changes that can occur whether they be internal or external political goals or goals in general. Brady and Davies (2014) also go on to mention that dynamic complexity can often be neglected especially in larger infrastructures. Understanding of dynamic behavior is being able to distinguish different types of variables and also being able to understand theses relationship on a non-linear level. Furthermore, dynamic complexity is the relationship between the different working parts of the system and how they effect each other even on a non-linear …show more content…
Understanding System Behaviors The concept of purpose and desired results are interconnected due to the progression that what ever your desired results are should be reflected in the purpose. Purpose is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2017) something that is set up to be achieved. Additionally, according to Arnold and Wade (2015) the purpose is frequently found to be the least obvious part of the system thinking process. Desired results are what you want to accomplish by the system or organization.
Measures of results and interventions are interrelated because the intervention is what is being measured to understand if the desired results are achieved. Improvement goals are related to these concepts because if the measured results of the intervention are not found to be effective in obtaining the desired results, then improvements need to be made to the system. All of theses terms work together to help improve the over all system in that they help to continue working toward the desired effect. By understanding systemic structure and being able to identify it can assist with problem solving so that systems can be altered in many ways.
According to Arnold and Wade (2015) understanding systemic structure involves recognizing interconnections and understanding feedback and how they affect the systems behavior. Additionally, according to Arnold and Wade (2015) by understanding these interconnections and feedback loops that are found within the system, we can better understand the dynamic behavior and endeavor to resolve in problems found within the system. Consequently, to understand any of these aspects of a system or organization, critically thinking known as system thinking. According to Arnold and Wade (2015) being able to recognize interconnections is the base level of system thinking. Being able to identify feedback loops that in the form of cause- effects and understanding how they effect the system can also help to assist with solving problems found in the system or organization. In conclusion, when dealing with any type of system, whether it be a large company or a small business, or even a nursing floor, the use of system thinking is imperative. It is the base of all aspects in a system. System thinking can be used to help identify problems that can be found in feedback loops. This allows management or leadership in the organization/system to make changes so that the problem can be modified so that they system runs more