University of Phoenix
Systematic Review The purpose of a systematic review is to attempt to find, evaluate and synthesize high quality research relevant to the research question. A systematic review uses carefully developed data collection and sampling procedures that are put in place in advance as a protocol. (Polit, 2012). A systematic review must contain the following: a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria, an explicit search strategy, systematic coding and analysis of included studies, and a meta-analysis if possible. (Hemingway & Brereton, 2009). Systematic reviews are conducted by nurse researchers to avoid reaching incorrect or misleading conclusions that could arise from a biased study. Systematic reviews are perceived by many as the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. (Polit, 2012).
The issue of concern that this article addresses is “to systematically evaluate nurse working conditions and to review the literature dealing with their association with patient outcomes.” (Bae, 2011).
“The aim of this study is to fulfill two objectives: a systematic evaluation of nurse working conditions and a review of the literature dealing with the association between nurse working conditions and patient outcomes. The innovative review of research on working conditions focused on the relationships between nurse working conditions and patient outcomes.” (Bae, 2011).
The author of this systematic review, Dr. Sung-Hei Bae, is currently an Assistant Professor of Nursing in the Graduate Program in Nursing Administration and Healthcare Systems Management at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Bae received her BSN and MPH from Seoul National University and PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Bae is a health services researcher and focuses on nursing workforce policy, state mandatory overtime policy, comprehensive nurse staffing characteristics, and nursing
References: Aiken, L.H., Clarke, S.P., Sloane, D.M., Lake, E.T. & Cheney, T. (2008). Effects of hospital care environment on patient mortality and nurse outcomes Bae, S.H. (2011). Assessing the relationships between nurse working conditions and patient outcomes: systematic literature review Hemingway, P. & Brereton, N. (2009). What is a systematic review?. Evidence-based Medicine. (2nd ed.). What is…? Series. Retrieved on September 7, 2014 from Polit, D.F. (2012). Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice. Stone, P.W., Mooney-Kane, C., & Larson, E.L. (2007). Nurse working conditions and patient safety outcomes The University of Texas at Austin. (2014). Retrieved from