Draft: Take America Back: The Christian Right and Major Players ' Influence in the
Values of Middle and Working Class America"
It’s February 2011. Barack Obama is the president of the United States. Despite
sagging poll numbers, a slowly recovering economy is supporting the push of health care reform. The Democratic Party controls the Senate. The Republicans, led by midterm-elected John Boehner, control the House. Progress is tedious, but moving.
Disdain for the President, spurred on by mass media and the murmurings of the Tea
Party, is gripping hold of what seems to be a substantive chunk of voting Americans.
Vying for the Republican nomination, looking to feed off these energies, Georgia businessman Herman Cain stands in front of a crowd at the Conservative Political
Action Conference. Cain is good at the rhetoric. He takes the underpinnings of conservative media and turns them on the crowd."
“Stupid people are ruining America,” he says to applause. “It’s sad… I’m talking
about the liberals. They don’t have tactics. They don’t have a strategy. They have an objective. The objective of the liberals is to destroy this country. The objective of the liberals is to make America mediocre just like everybody else who aspires to be like
America.” Cain takes in the applause and pauses for the audience to sit down. “They are trying to destroy this country at all costs!”"
Fast forward to March 2014. Americans have seen the failings of the rollout of
Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Hobby Lobby has refused to offer birth control to its
2 employees under the plan, citing their religious beliefs. Arizona governor Jan Brewer has vetoed a bill that would have allowed businesses to refuse service to LGBT people.
Seizing the opportunity, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann gets on the radio with a conservative talk show host."
“I think the thing that is getting a little tiresome, the gay community, they
Cited: Bageant, Joe. Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America’s Class War. New York: Three Rivers, 2007 Connolly, William E. Capitalism and Christianity, American Style. Durham: Duke UP, 2008 United States. New York: Guilford, 1995. Print. " " America. New York: Henry Holt, 2005. Print. " " Kazin, Michael. The Populist Persuasion: An American History. New York: Basic, 1995. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina, 2007. Print." " McGirr, Lisa. Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2001 American Politics. Boulder, CO: Westview, 2011. Print.