Dr. Ajay Kr. Singh
Associate Professor & Coordinator –MHROD Program
Faculty of Commerce & Business
Delhi School of Economics
University of Delhi
Delhi -110007
E-mail: drajayksingh@gmail.com
Mobile: +91-9810108767
Ms. Sonia Sabharwal
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Commerce
P.G.D.A.V. College
(University of Delhi)
New Delhi-110065
Submitted for presentation in the technical session on “Talent Management in the Globalised Scenario”
in the
63rd All India Commerce Conference
Annual Conference of The Indian Commerce Association at Goa University, Goa from Oct. 1-3, 2010 Talent Quotient Model for Effective Talent Management: An Empirical Study Dr. Ajay Kr. Singh & Ms. Sonia Sabharwal
In business, due to the current emphasis on intangible assets such as brand names, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship, greater than in the past, the arenas of today cater to companies that can harvest the potential of their key resources. In fact research suggests that not even the vision and strategy of a company are as important as the people that eventually will drive the company into the future. Regardless of the perspective taken, the fundamental question of what is and what is not considered to be talent needs to be addressed. Talent management requires HR professionals to understand how they define talent, who they regard as ‘the talented’. Based on a sample study of 70 respondents from the public and private service sector employees using factor analysis, seven important factors were found which constitute talent. It was also found after applying non-parametric Mann Whitney test that there is no significant difference between the opinion of public and private sector respondents. A model has been developed based on the primary data collected through structured questionnaire (the reliability of
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