The world has been split between two possible answers to success; having a pure talent or working hard. Each position has its own reasons for why it makes the most sense. It’s impossible for anyone to know the actual answer. However, in a recent study a group of people found that, “the “profoundly gifted” still have an edge over peers who have less natural talent, but are perhaps more dedicated to improving their skills” (Lubinski and Benbow). Even though this investigation proves different, a hard worker still achieves more which makes it the most important and talent least important. As Albert Einstein puts it, “genius …show more content…
Even if a person is not skilled in certain things, when people put their mind to it, they can achieve greatness. William Shakespeare agrees with this statement when he said “some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Not only do famous people believe it is more important but so do everyday normal people. Based on, 66% of people believe hard work is important. Talent or skill is worthless when a person doesn’t try their best to improve it. Dedication and working hard over powers talent by a long shot. While talent does matter in some occasions, most people will probably agree that persistence and tenacity will guide you into a tremendous