Sustainable Development in Africa
A Strategic Framework for Good Governance
Draft Working Paper [1]
© Jacques L. Hamel, ECA/SDD
23 December 2004
Table of Contents
Abstract ………………………….…………………………………………………………………………..3
1- Introduction: Efficient Knowledge for Sustainable Development ………………………………………...3
2- Fundamental Perspectives On African Knowledge For Sustainable Development ……………………..7 Exciting / Inspiring / Prolific / Hopeful knowledge; Sustainable / Available / Accessible / Efficient knowledge; Complex / Multidimensional / Mysterious / Incomprehensible knowledge; Fragmented / Disjointed / Compartmented / Disintegrated / Fractured / Dismembered knowledge; Symbolical / Mythological / Magical / Analogical / Metaphorical / Proverbial / Poetical knowledge; Limited / Imperfect / Uncertain / Unknown knowledge; Existential / Passionate / Emotional / Obsessive / Sentimental / Mystical / Ecstatic knowledge; Empirical / Logical / Rational / Analytical knowledge; Utilitarian / Instrumental / Operational / Functional knowledge; Autonomous / Evolving / Deterministic / Creative / Renewable knowledge; Uncontrolled / Destructive / Pathological / Misused / Faulty / Dysfunctional knowledge; Plastic / Moldable / Manageable / Constructive / Emancipating Knowledge; Wise / Mature knowledge; Masculine / Feminine / Androgenic knowledge; Relative / Subjective / Self-deceptive / Possessive / ‘Schizophrenic’ knowledge; Authoritative / Commanding knowledge; Conscientious / Deliberate / Chosen / Elected knowledge; Linguistic / Idiomatic / Translated knowledge; Relevant knowledge; Material / Institutional knowledge; Strategic / Decisive / Potent knowledge; Future knowledge.
3-Specific Perspectives on African Knowledge For Sustainable Development ……………….……………16 3.1 Modern knowledge …………..……………………………………………………..……………….16 Literate / Contemporary / Cultured knowledge (knowledge
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