University of Northampton | Northampton Business School
MODULE CODE BUS 3005SF 2014/2015 Time Constrained Assessment
th January 2014 Duration: 2 1/2 Hours
Mark your answers to questions in Section A, B & C inside this examination paper.
Section A = Multiple Choice Questions – circle the correct answer
Section B = Short Answer Questions – write a brief answer in a sentence or two
Section C = Mini-project – write a couple of hundred words.
Read the entire TCA before beginning. Plan your time wisely.
Be sure to write your name and student number on this examination paper
The following materials may be taken into the examination:
Normal writing and drawing instruments.
The following materials may NOT be taken into the examination.
Candidates may not use a dictionary
Candidates are not allowed to use notes of any kind.
Candidates are not allowed to use electronic devices of any kind. Stow mobile telephones, tablets (etc.) in a bag / under your seat and in SILENT mode.
This paper consist of _______ pages
1. Multiple choice questions
Porter’s Five Forces model suggests that high Supplier-Power is a good thing for a company.
a. True
b. False
The Resource-Based View (RBV) suggests that profit is made by firms that brigade and exploit resources and capabilities more efficiently than competitors.
a. True
b. False
Who is primarily responsible for the development of corporate-level strategy? a Supervisors b Middle age management c Senior management team d Shareholders.
The Political element of the PEST analysis includes considerations for which of the following: a party alignments; b legislation; c relations with industry (pro/against); d stability of government; e all of the above;
What can Strategic Analysis & Management do? a Diagnose current problems b Develop new options c Position or