Culture Clash, “In Search of Aztlán”. - The three members go from place to place that has some historical significance looking for their homeland Aztlan - Their final conclusion is that Aztlan is in each one of them it’s how they feel pride about where they come from that gives Aztlan significance.
Characteristics of Diaspora experience. - History of imposed dispersal, (I.e. the jews) - “home” and “host” countries - Alienation from “host” country - desire to return to “home” country - continued sense of support for “home” country - collective identity grounded in experience of displacement - preservation of homeland in memory and myth - idealization of “home” - impossible to return
Alicia Gáspar de Alba. “Name That Border” Teyali vs. Alice vs. Alicia -Teyali is the name she’s given at birth it, it makes her feel pain and shame. She feels this shame because her parents got a divorce, the paternal grandparents who she was raised by “mopped the floor” with the name. Also it was not a Christian name - Alice represents her getting Americanized, perfect English, girl scout, father daughter dinners - Alicia represents her going back to her roots and fully accepting herself
Roberto Quesada “Miami International Airport” - the setting of the airport is significant because it represents the border he needs to cross in order to reach the states, it acts as boundary he has to overcome - at first his movement is challenged because he does not speak very good English, and then again by how much money he has and how he has no way to return home from the states
John Leguizamo “Mambo Mouth” - He plays a latina girl, a Mexican turned asian, an old proper british