This report identifies, describes and discusses the content of Te Whāriki while developing the knowledge of the woven guidelines, strands and principles which come together to create the early childhood curriculum.
The three age groups of Te Whāriki are Infants – birth to eighteen months, Toddler – One year to three years and young child – two and a half years to school entry age. These age groups over lap by six months to allow a child to develop and learn with his or hers separate needs and abilities.
There are four principles and five strands involved in Te Whāriki woven guidelines. each part woven carefully together to enrich and grow children’s learning and development. The four principles are holistic development, Empowerment, relationships and Family and community.
Holistic Development is a structure that integrates a Childs development, emotions, culture and spirituality to create a state of wholeness threw collective learning experiences. Physical, cognitive, spiritual, emotional, social and cultural aspects are woven together to create a learning environment that is balanced and which is not structured by skill level or single tasks. A child is recognized as someone who seeks stimulation and wants to learn. Children will learn threw Holistic development by finding out who they are, what they enjoy and how they can fulfil their thirst for knowledge and want of stimulation in each aspect of their lives. This builds their self-confidence and self-achievement
The Empowerment strand gives children the independence to direct their own learning. Being aloud and using their own knowledge and skills to create open opportunities. Empowering children to freely give their own thoughts and opinions. This supports learning and development by insuring children have their individual needs meet, self-conference to try and do things that will be rewarding and enjoyable and which they will learn from.
The relationship