Facultad de Humanidades Educación
Escuela de Educación
Seminario de Tesis I
Qualitative Research Proposal:
Teacher’s Perceptions of the Textbooks Implementation and their Actual Use Fernanda Franco
Pablo Iturriaga
Raisa Keidong
M. Paz Palominos
Michele Slachevsky
Karina Vergara
Prof. Leonardo Ormeño Ortiz
2014 1. Introduction
In Chile, the Ministry of Education is in charge of providing the majority of English language textbooks as well as other key courses in the national curricula, for subsidized schools from pre-elementary to secondary school levels of education all over the country. According to the Ministry of Education, current educational policies consider and guarantee that all the students and teachers have the right to receive good quality textbooks for free.
In order to assure the distribution of qualified textbooks that match the requirements of the national curriculum, The Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) calls for a public tender or bid to develop and produce English Language textbooks. Bidding terms and conditions outline and specify potential participants to the bid, such as text specifications for each level, course and general guidelines from the national curriculum. Once the bids from publishers are received and evaluated by the MINEDUC, the proposal selected is awarded by the tender and they can start the text design and development process. Prototype textbooks are produced and submitted to the Ministry of Education for evaluation and subsequently to the National Education Council, which is the last instance for approval of the proposed resources. Once this complex process is completed, textbooks are produced and freely distributed to subsidized schools that have requested and formally compromised their use.
According to an article recently published by the Chilean electronic journal “El Mostrador” (2012), the MINEDUC spent twenty-two thousand million pesos and delivered 17.410.000
References: Byrd, M. (2001).Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (3rd ed.). M. Celce-Murcia (Ed.). Centro Microdatos. (2013). Servicio de Implementación del Sistema de Seguimiento al uso de Texto Escolares en uso Durante el 2013 Creswell, J. (2011). Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research Criado, R., & Sánchez, A. (2009). English Language Teaching in Spain: Do Textbooks Comply with the Official Methodological Regulations? A Sample Analysis. International Journal Of English Studies, 9(1), 1-28. Harmer, J.(2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th ed.). Essex, ESS: Longman. Ministerio de Educación. (2004). Estudio Sobre Uso de Textos Escolares en Enseñanza Media Oxford, R., &Scarcella, R. (1992).The Tapestry of Language Learning; The Individual in the Communicative Classroom.Heinle&Heinle Publishers. Kİrkgöz, Y. (2011). An evaluation or English Textbooks in Turkish Primary Education: Students ' and Teachers ' Perceptions. Eurasian Journal Of Educational Research (EJER), (44), 167-184. Ur, P. (2012). A Course in English Language Teaching.Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress.