INTRODUCTION Bottery´s Child-Center Educational Code
Why play? Playfull Learning Knowledge age Hidden Curriculum
“Children learn as they play, most importantly, in play children learn how to
learn.”- O. Fred Donaldson
When thinking about my ideal school many things came to mind: like the values to be
promoted at the school, the kind of students we would like to produce, their qualities and
strengths, what they would contribute to the world in which they live in. Once I examined
my beliefs and the values, morals and ethics to adopt at the school, I came to the
conclusion that most had already been thought about before and many a theorist could be
used as a reference, but that indeed I was exercising that very thing I am hoping to
become a teacher- and teaching is what it is all about! For “education is inherently about
values: it reflects a vision of the kind of world we want our children to inherit; a vision of
the kinds of people we hope they will become” (Alexander, 1992, cited in Pollard,
2002:162). I agree, “The best teachers show you where to look but don´t tell you what to
see” (Alexander Trenfor). And because “pupils learn more effectively by doing than
listening” and “a greater emphasis should be given to pupil involvement and activity”
(Kyriacou, C. 2009:88) my ideal school, which I shall now refer to as KinderPlay, will
follow this philosophy where “Play”, (as outlined in my opening quote) whether child
initiated or adult guided will be represented in all activities of the school; from its ethos,
objectives, structure, staff, school settings, structure, organisation of the school day,
classroom settings, curriculums, discipline, education policies, routines, individual needs
and child development.
In conclusion a school where pupils are taken care of on the basis