Communication is a part of everyday life. It may be overlooked in some areas, but when dealing with a team environment, communication is vital. It holds true that communication can either break or make any team. Lack of communication can lead to confusion within a team, as well as lack of production. Any team will ultimately have its challenges. With effective and open communication, these challenges can be dealt with head on.
Communication and Team Dynamics
Communication plays a vital role in a team's dynamic. With effective communication, teams can easily excel in areas such as meeting deadlines, accomplishing difficult tasks, and just maintaining moral within the team. Successful relationship will emerge if team members …show more content…
One such challenge can be a team's resistance to change. Research Technology Management magazine (1997), found that members of a team become used to one another and do not welcome change. This type of change could take the form in new leadership, or just the addition of a new member. If the balance of a team shifts, disorder can erupt. However, a resolution can be obtained by defining individual responsibilities. "Empowering teams with decision-making authority will motivate the members and maximize team effectiveness" (Steven Williams, 2005, para.7). Teams need a purpose, this purpose creates unity. There can be other challenges that a team must endure. According to James Dawson (April 2005, p.24), when a person is placed in a team environment, technical expertise may not be the most important factor. An individual must have the ability to build relationships within the team. Being able to communicate and work well with others plays a bigger role. When "we spend an average of 80 percent of each day communicating" (Eileen O. Brownell, 1999, p.26), it is crucial that teams have an open line of communication.
Encourage Team …show more content…
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