When we hear the word “Culture” every person thinks about different things. Some people might think about an ethnic dance or traditional clothes, or something totally different, like importance of the family or values of ancestors. Every culture is unique. We won't be able to truly understand different cultures, until we spend a relatively long time living deeply drowned in it. However, only living in the culture won't help people to solve issues brought by different backgrounds, understanding the culture is a main goal. The only way that people will be able to reach it - is through communication.…
Norfolk Island lies in a diverse cultural region filled of indigenous, European, and Asian people. Cultural diffusion on Norfolk Island, spread from migrated people. Having different cultural groups create cultural interaction, including language on the island. Moreover, people create the 'norfuk' language through creating vocabulary and phrases adapting the physical environment. Norfolk's cultural landscape contain historical and remained penal settlement, which relates to Norfolk's penal settlement, during the colonial…
I believe your culture affects everything you do within your life. As an example, in the book, ‘Lullabies for Little Criminals’ by Heather O’Neill, the main character Baby believes that the implications she makes of herself being experienced with drugs and alcohol make her look cool and more mature. This is due to…
We have read many examples of how cultures can affect how people view the world. For instance, in the stories An Indian Father’s Plea, Two ways to belong in America, and Everyday Use, some characters in the stories chose to view the world based on their culture and others chose to change their culture identity. A person's culture does influence the way they view the world, but at the same time it doesn’t because in the essay An Indian father’s Plea and in the short story Everyday Use, and the personal essay Two ways to belong in America their cultures didn’t influenced the way they view the world.…
One way to understand and respect other cultures is to simply not to assume. We must reframe from making assumptions. As teachers we must not assume that members of culture share the same believes and values. Another way is to works towards cultural reciprocity, which means to understand and recognize how different values and beliefs influence families’ perception and…
Culture often times can impact one’s perspective on things in the world. Culture does inform the way we view the world and others. There are many factors that influence a person's perspective, culture is one of the most important elements in shaping the way he/she views the world. We are surrounded by culture and see differently everyday. Many believe that culture influences how we judge and see things around the world.…
A person's culture greatly influences the way they view others and the world. For example a person that grows up in the city would most likely see killing an animal as something you shouldn't do. Someone that grows up in the “country” would see it as a normal thing, thats his/her next supper. Another example would be fashion, in the modern day people dress flashy and purchase expensive brand name items. But people from certain cultures see that as stupid and don't think it makes sense.…
Culture reveals a lot more things about you then you think! From how you are as a person as well. It informs people many things about you. Your culture may show how you’re as a person, your interests and how you may view others and the world in your perspective. It is clear when considering an individual’s, that culture does affect how they view others and the world.…
Culture shapes experience and communication. It determines how people perceive the world and how they communicate and relate with others…
Culture – Has an affect on whether a person feels like they belong or not, or whether they feel like an outsider. It might rule what a person wears or what their hopes are for the future. For example, in a culture where a woman is expected to marry young and have children rather than a career, this may affect her aspirations or ideal self. She may feel unfulfilled, or happy to have reached her cultural ideal.…
Culture is how a group of people share the same beliefs and values. Cultures pass on these values and beliefs from generation to generation. “Cultures grow and change very slowly, and have many means of protecting themselves” (Wrench, McCroskey, & Richmond, 2008).…
The classroom where I am observing does not have any decorations to recognized any culture, yet every culture is represented in the curriculum. For example, the teacher has a poster with children from different countries dressed in their traditional clothes. Another way that different cultures are represented is through books. For example, the class was reading a book called You and Me Together Moms, Dads, and Kids Around the World. This book had images of families from different continents. Another book that represents different cultures is the book called Mmmmm!, by Linda Josefa Kratky. This book was about different families eating food from different countries.…
Back then, when our grandparents were young life was simpler as they were able to interact with each other. Their leisure activities were just reading a book or going out for a walk, to name a few. As time went by, they started to see new ways of entertainment; when the radio was invented they were able to interact with a lot more people than before and could listen to their favorite artists and the latest news. Times went on, and our parents had the chance of seeing beyond where they lived. Television became the center of entertainment for those who could afford it. At that time, society was more dependent on their own but as they were striving, new ways of communication were also being discovered. As technology improved, Americans focused…
For example, soccer is a vital aspect of our lives in the West Indies and South America. Cultures in those areas revolve around it. However, it does not mean much for an American, Chinese, or Indian Just like, kung fu, or karate may not mean much for South Americans or West Indians. Culture influences our tastes in things and our customs, which in turn affects our identity. Churches, schools, music, and foods form the basis of culture. However, every culture has its own customs and lifestyles. For example, a Haitian boy does not pee like an American boy. An American boy usually faces up and whistles, while a Haitian boy faces down and spits at the end. Also, unlike other ethnicities, Japanese do not take cold water or juice after a meal, but a drink hot beverage. Further, Africans, muslims, Indians dress differently, from their shoes to their jewelry. Just like everyone is a part of a different culture, everyone has their own identity. Culture influences what we love, how we bring about ourselves, and why we do the things we do. It is a part of the foundation of our…
How Does Culture Shape Identity? What people do, make and believe. Beliefs are most important of the three. Different cultures have diverse beliefs and attitudes towards different situations. By observing other cultures we can become aware of our own cultural assumptions.…