
Technology In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Technology In Ayn Rand's Anthem
Anthem by Ayn Rand is set in the heart in a dystopian world of the future, and in stark contrast to other dystopian novels, the world of Anthem is technologically undeveloped instead of advanced, is quite primitive, and devolved from modern-day technology, but with the conditions for technological processes, it is no wonder that society is as primitive and ancient as it is. For one, technology and new ideas are considered not to be real, if not all men approve of a certain concept or invention. The more academically advanced are discouraged to use their wisdom, as they try to make everyone equal. Also, with the transgression of preference, it is hard for one to truly feel interested and dedicated to their jobs, making society near to impossible to progress. In the heart of a devolved totalitarian world, the pace of advancement is slow, and a near to impossible process, due to restrictment towards its citizens, and the elimination of all individuality in a person, in aspects of ideas, smarts, and thoughts …show more content…
Even when a good idea or invention is proposed by one, which can help civilization for the better, they would still reject the idea, claiming that unless a invention or idea is approved by all men, it could not be true,
“ ‘The Candle is a great boon to mankind, as approved by all men. Therefore it cannot be destroyed by the whim of one’" (Rand, Chapter 7). The rate of advancement is stagnant, as it takes much time to gain approval of an invention or idea of all of society.” ‘This would wreck the Plans of the World Council," said Unanimity 2-9913,’and without the Plans of the World
Council the sun cannot rise. It took fifty years to secure the approval of all the Councils for

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