16 January 2013
Dr. David Williams
English 112 Technology is a Powerful Tool Over the past seventeen years, changes have been made in the way that technology brings people together. Technology is a good thing when it comes to social media (i.e. face book, twitter, instagram). These social media sites are fun and very interactive. The website are also a good form of communication between family members who do not live close by, so they use social media and sometimes cell phone depending on where they are to keep up with other family members. Today not only do people use social media as a big key factor of technology to bring people close together but the biggest one people use is cell phones. Face book is the most visited website on the internet alone. AARP website says that seventy percent of the people over the age of forty five have at least one social media account. Surveys show that four out of ten people says that social networking to keep up with people is a waste of time, but every has their preference and choice as to how they want to keep up with family and or lost friends. Here are some interesting statistics; face book has expanded to Russia China Japan Moscow South Korea India and Brazil. There are one hundred seventy five million tweets sent from twitter every day. In all totality social media and technology is a great way to not only have fun but most importantly to keep in touch with family and long lost friends that people may not see much anymore. Technology is a power tool in todays society because you have people who use the world wide, because most people have iphones, ipod or an ipad, and all these are electrionic devices, they all have apps on them that could connect them with other people such as Voxer which is a app that works just as if you had a walkie talkie directly in your hand. There is also snap chat which a app where you can send goofy pictures to someone and they can only view it for a certain amount of