high demand, it continues to evolve. Technology will never disappear, so how can we deal with the anti-intellectualism it creates? I argue that the increase use of technology decreases an individual’s intellectual abilities. The utilization of technology affects the brain in many ways. (When do kids normally first come into contact with technology???) According to ____, kids become exposed to technology at the age of ___. Granted, they may not know how to use the technology but technology still harms their undeveloped brains. Teenagers with not fully developed brains tend to engage in instinct responses whereas adults with more mature brains decide upon a rational resolution after applying thought to the situation (Pederson quoted in Ives 30). Along with young kids’ undeveloped brains, their identities still are evolving. The way people process information can set the brain on overload.
Checking emails, listening to music, texting, and playing video games simultaneously negatively affects brain function. When somebody operates several types of technology, each one engrosses the brain. This can put the brain into overload and allow it to not shut off after the activity is finished. “Video games have lasting effects even after the game is over” According to Rosen in ____, “Studies are showing that technological actives such as video game playing have residual neurological effects on the brain for a period of time after the game is completed.” Along with the overload of multitasking, our brains can develop trouble with concentrating on things for long periods of time when concentrating on one thing no longer becomes the norm for society. This problem stems from the constant need to see latest posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. This brief thought time, “impulsiveness", and frenzied activity which correlates with “attention deficit disorder” can hinder educational, professional, and public potential (Ives