Context/Key Business Drivers • Tektronix is an American company best known as a leader in oscilloscopes, television test, measurement and monitoring equipment and leader in the market for workgroup color printers. Its divisions were based in United States and had an international presence in nearly 60 countries. • Future success of the company depends on the implementation of improved information technology (IT) by ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). ➢ The installation of ERP systems in order to across in all modules, the entire organization at once. ➢ The Installation step by step of the ERP system in the organization. • Some issues in the implementation caused by: ➢ Lack of IT infrastructure. ➢ Financial problems. ➢ Invisibility of products. ➢ Lack of global standardized system.
Initiative Objectives/Benefits • CPID adopt a new business model with a goal of doubling the division’s size. • Take CPID from niche player in the printer industry, supporting graphics terminals in mainframe engineering environments. • IT capability to grow up the competition in the business. • Establish the vision: ➢ Separability of the businesses ➢ Leveraging shared services. ➢ Staying as “plain vanilla” as possible.
Initiative challenges • Planning for ERP: ➢ The selection between purchases a package or build the Software system in-home with their own code, considering features and costs. The final decision was: Keep the old manufacturing system and pushed the company to embrace a single vendor ERP strategy. ➢ Support of Oracle to Tektronix, through cover all needs in the implementation of multiple manufacturing packages, achieving the satisfaction of Tektronix. ➢ Redefine the vision of the company using Worldwide Business Model. ➢ Redefine the structure of project