Getting into high school and becoming a driver is something that is very exciting, although sometimes teen drivers can be dangerous because of being distracted. Many states have looked for solutions to help put an end to reckless, unsafe driving. This is very important and needs to be stopped, the solutions that will help are parents playing more of a role in teens learning how to drive, more up-to-date training and laws prohibiting friends and cell phones.…
Have you heard about how high the rate of teen mortality has been rising over the last few decades? Indeed, it is a problematic issue that has been ignoring most of the young-drivers' parents. As Anna Quindlen expressed on her article, teen's crashes and deaths are highly common and ignored. Moreover, Quindlen's purpose is to highlight the seriousness of the teens driving issue and how states around the United States handle the issue.…
In a research studied done by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety the research group is trying to push the age of teen drivers to 17 or 18 due more than 5,000 teens dying in the U.S. alone because the rate of fatal and nonfatal crashes per mile for teen drivers is 10 times the amount for drivers between the age of 30 to 59 this according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.…
Teen crashes are a constant problem in our society. Teens are extremely likely to get into a crash within the first 6 months of driving. Teens forget to scan the road for hazards that may harm them, drive to fast for road conditions or being distracted.…
Do the ages driving matter?The majority of young people do not take anything seriously and they are irresponsible and unwise. Learning to drive is seen as an exciting and necessary experience in everyone’s lives. Everybody has the right to feel safe while driving, as detective Kollerer states “The insurance for teenagers are more expensive” because teens are more likely to cause a car accident. Letting a teen drive could be dangerous if they are not responsible while driving.…
One of the biggest perks of being a teenager is being able to drive. When a teenager begins to drive, they are happy and feel like they have more freedom. However, the dangers of teenage driving are higher than ever. According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, “Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15-20 year-olds” (“California”). Teenage drivers create many dangerous distractions when behind the wheel of a vehicle. These distractions usually occur in three different areas: visual, cognitive, and manual.…
At the age of 16-20 years old, teens are more concerned with looking cool than with driving responsibly. Teenage drivers have lack of driving experience, and a distraction of using electronics. They want to be seen driving while on their cell phones and have the loudest stereos. Teenage tend to use electronics while driving, and they do no know that it is a huge distraction. They impress each other by driving recklessly and being faster than their friends. Therefore, teenagers are very dangerous on the road when they are driving.…
"Teen drivers ages 15 to 20 are 1.6 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash, compared to adult drivers between the ages of 35 and 40" ("Teen"). About a month ago there was a teen girl driving to school, the roads were bad and she should not have taken a back road. She ended up losing control of her vehicle, causing the vehicle to roll over. If she was not wearing her seatbelt the accident could have been fatal. She is very lucky that nothing more than a totaled vehicle came from the horrific incident. There are many reasons why students should not drive to school. It is dangerous, there is a trouble with parking, and students could have illegal things in their vehicles.…
Teenagers have the highest average annual crash and traffic violation rates of any other age group. Teenagers today have become one of the most dangerous people who drive, they are even more dangerous than old people. There are many things teens do while driving that are not save and violate laws and safety procedures that keep people safe on the road.…
Teenage accident rates and mortality rates have increased dramatically over the years. Nothing that the parents do and law enforces will protect the teens all the time, especially from themselves. Teenagers do not realize the responsibility that comes with driving. They are often distracted with other things such as texting while driving. Most importantly, parents always worry about the safety of their kids on the road. Some people may say that the driving age should stay at the age of 16; however, raising the driving age to 18 will create safer and more responsible drivers. Firstly, teenagers are very careless. In addition, increasing the minimum driving age will allow teenagers more time to get comfortable with driving. Finally, the number of fatal accidents will be reduced. Therefore, the minimum driving age should be raised from 16 to 18.…
In a recent study, about 50% of teens have admitted they have fallen asleep while driving. This leads people to believe teens are unsafe behind the wheel. Teens are only 8% of the driving population, but they account for 20% of accidents involving cars (Collins and Cortez). Also, parents who are concerned about their child’s safety will argue and say that 3,500 teens were killed in 2008 alone, and car crashes are the number cause of teen death (Painter). They will also argue that fewer and fewer 16-17 year olds are getting their licenses, so we should just push up the age, right…
There are many challenges that teens face. They face drugs and peer pressure, but the main cause of teen death in the United States is caused by reckless driving, drunk driving, and texting while driving. They sometimes make these poor choices because they don't know their certain limits. Often times, they make these decisions and it’s too late for them to see the consequences. Teens should be aware of the consequences of breaking these rules that could impact their life or someone else's. Making teens aware can make other people feel safe when they are on the road.…
Driving is a very dangerous and often hazardous thing to do. This is especially true for people ages fifteen to nineteen. There are so many crashes each year for teen drivers that it’s a miracle anyone makes it past twenty years old unharmed. In 2009 alone three hundred and fifty teens were treated for a car related accident.…
Teens are the ones who are mostly in crashes due to recklessness, drugs, and being on the phone.…
The saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” The same goes for driving. The more you do it the better you get. Per mile driven teenage drivers aged 16-19 are nearly three times more likely than drivers aged 20 and older to be in a fatal crash due to speeding (Prevention). Teens especially 16 year olds have less experience than other drivers. Due to the lack of experience teens…