Texting helps us communicate with family, friends, or co-workers to get an idea through or a time to go to the mall or just saying that you're going to the person's house. On the other hand texting could be bad, in “Text-Speak Is Harming Teens’ Writing Skills”, it says that 13 year olds through 17 year olds sometimes use slang like LOL or UR2K meaning laugh out loud or you are to kind.…
Michaela Cullinton used evidences from sources like USA Today, Jacquie Ream and Naomi Baron whom all agree that texting has a negative affect on academic writing. Jacquie Ream was a teacher and author of K.I.S.S.-Keep it Short and Simple. In this book she wrote, “We have a whole generation being raised without communication skills.” I agree with Ream, our generation does not use the same communication that we used in past centuries. People of all age know what a text message, email, or…
In the article “Texting, the Next Epidemic” by William B. Bradford, he addresses the issue of texting in our society. He states that texting is starting to tear apart the social fabric of our country. In the article, Bradford states that the United States has fallen behind in educational standards due to the lack of reading and writing involved with texting. He portrays to his readers that texting is making our social events not so social. He says that people go to restaurants and parties for social interaction just end up on their phones not talking to each other. Furthermore, he talks about how texting is creating a generation that is socially awkward and cannot read or write important papers or documents. Proving his point on whether the next generation will be able to govern our country without being able to think, speak, or write clearly.…
The study: Hyper-texting teens more likely to smoke, drink, have sex appears on CNN.com by Ed Payne in the Social Media category. This article suggests teens that text in excess of 120 times each day is more likely to smoke, drink, and have sex at earlier ages.…
Before probing into the cons, one must recognize the most favorable aspect of texting. The idea of being able to contact someone via text, whether next-door or on the other side of the world, is truly an amazing thing. Children these days seem to be getting cell phones earlier and earlier, if not only because parents love the idea of being able to reach their kids when they are at school, with friends, and so on; friends and family members are able to keep in touch without the hassle of making a phone call…
In this manner, Robin Mejia, author of “How Texting Changes the Way Kids Communicate” explains how the pros out outweigh the cons in the way kids communicate using technology. Mejia goes on to explain that it is safer in today’s society because kids spend most of their time online talking to their friends in real life opposed to a potential predator. She also writes about how the technology today lets the parents themselves communicate easier with their kids while they carry their busy work schedule. Lastly, she believes that the kids are able to sustain friendships better and that a lot of the communicating is positive between the kids and their peers. Technology is positive for the younger generation, because it helps stay in touch with friends,…
Text messaging is the central structure of communication for teennagers. While teens may think shortcuts are helpful they may not understand the damage they are doing to their writing. While older generations consider it to be degrading to the English Language, over half of teens have come to the conclusion that texting has made their writing inapplicable. Although to some teens, shortcuts and proper English can still be effective. Researchers show that text messaging has been proven to have a negative effect on society, and to the English Language.…
Technology has become increasingly advanced in today’s society. Specifically, texting has become the modern and faster way of communication. From being able to talk to someone across the country to letting someone know one is at his or her door, everyone seems to love this new innovation. But when does texting go too far? Randy Cohen examines this question in his article, “When Texting is Wrong.” In Cohen’s article, he explains the downside and inappropriate times for texting and the effects from it. Cohen goes on to explain that specifically the younger age groups are affected more by cell phone use than older age groups because they have been surrounded by technology for a longer period of time. According to Cohen’s…
Cellular devices and other technology has grown to be extremely popular. With this popularity technology has pervaded our lives and changed social interaction. Text messaging also known as texting is when people with cell phones send short typed messages. The rate of Americans sending text messages drastically increased year by year. Teenagers are large contributors to the presence of text messaging in society. The majority of the people into the texting frenzy are usually between 13 and 17 years old. In this paper we will discuss both the pros and cons of texting.…
Over the last couple of years, technology has evolved tremendously than its has in the last hundred years. Technology has started to be part of our life and that has created an effect on us since we know we rely on it a daily basis. Although technology has positive uses and a positive influence on people like teens/young adults, technology also has a negative influence/effect on young adults.…
Technology has came a long way and will continue to improve and explore unknown territories. One of the new things discovered is texting and while texting is helpful it has a lot of disadvantages and downfalls. If texting could be listed as a skill, many of my friends would qualify as highly skilled in that area. I am glued to my phone and always texting so I know firsthand just how much texting can be abused and its less than helpful qualities. Texting kills some good old fashioned phone call conversations, face time, and is making annoying phrases part of everyday talking; texting is an obsession for many people and is doing more damage than most people know by damaging people’s people skills.…
What are the some of the effects that texting is having on the teen literacy? Text messaging has increased in popularity ever since the very first text message that was sent in the year of 1933 by a student who was working for the Nokia Corporation (Druoin and Davis 49). Centre of Science Education at Sheffield University discovered that more than ninety percent of the youth have cell phones and ninety-six percent of them use them to text. (Plester, Wood, Bell 137). The establishment of cell phones and texting has made a huge encounter on the way people communicate. Most people use their cell phones to text more than they do to make phone calls. Teenagers have observed that an average teenager sends a hundred textsin a day and 3,033 in s month. (Cingel and Sundar 310). Teens have the highest numbers of sent texts and the number is rapidly going up. Studies have shown that this form of communication is destroying the way people read,…
How does texting and driving affect teens? Have you seen a wreck from someone texting and driving? Well, it is not very pretty. There is a really high chance someone died in that crash. If texting and driving is illegal then why is it the leading cause of accidents for teenagers?…
It’s eleven o’clock on a Thursday night and right before you go to bed, a tone too familiar pops up. Your friend asks through a text to read his essay, finding poor grammar and spelling abbreviations such as “bc” and “prob” , you begin to think to yourself, “ How can texting really find its way into my friends paper?” According to Michaela Cullington, in the article “Does Texting Affect Writing” Cullington had done some research of texting and how it will affect a writer’s behavior and grammar. There are definitely a large amount of people who believe that texting in fact, does affect a writer’s grammar. In response to those who believe that there is a negative effect are those who side with the idea that texting has a no…
Talking on the phone is so old school. Most teens today prefer texting. About 75 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds in the United States own cellphones, and 75 percent of these teens send text messages, according to the Pew Research Center's Pew 2010 Internet and American Life Project. More than half of these teens text daily. With texting outpacing other forms of communication, you have to wonder how this technology shift alters the social lives and behavior of today's teens.…