Respecting Human dignity is treating someone fairly, no madder their strengths and weaknesses. Alice and Professor Carlock demonstrated this by showing compassion and understanding towards Temple’s needs. Despite Temple’s disability, Alice treated Temple in the same way as she treated other people, and Professor Carlock respected Temple and taught her in ways that Temple could easily understand. These examples ultimately show how much Alice and Professor Carlock respects Temple’s human dignity. By respecting Temple’s dignity in the ways they did, Professor Carlock
Respecting Human dignity is treating someone fairly, no madder their strengths and weaknesses. Alice and Professor Carlock demonstrated this by showing compassion and understanding towards Temple’s needs. Despite Temple’s disability, Alice treated Temple in the same way as she treated other people, and Professor Carlock respected Temple and taught her in ways that Temple could easily understand. These examples ultimately show how much Alice and Professor Carlock respects Temple’s human dignity. By respecting Temple’s dignity in the ways they did, Professor Carlock