(Just some Ideas)
1. Bartending 36. Pizza 2. Fruit Salad 37. French Toast 3. Take Blood Pressure 38. Pillows 4. Balloon Animals 39. Floating Candles 5. Dancing 40. Chili Dogs 6. Wine Serving 41. Juggle 7. Cooking recipes 42. Baseball 8. Scrapbooking 43. Backpacking 9. Transplanting Plants 44. Homemade Candles 10. Sign Language 45. Treat a Pepper Spray Victim 11. Guitar Playing 46. Prevent Hiccups 12. Put a grip on a tennis racket 47. Sew 13. Treat a rattlesnake bite 48. Flower Pens 14. Wax a Snowboard 49. Re-grip Golf Clubs 15. Manicure 50. Origami 16. First Aid 17. Apply Cosmetics 18. Napkin Folding 19. Pack for a Vacation 20. Transfer your Videos to DVD 21. Aerobics or exercising 22. Remove Stains 23. Homemade Gift Wrapping 24. Karate or Martial Arts 25. Make Christmas Ornaments 26. Modeling 27. Bird Grooming 28. Gift Baskets 29. Magnets 30. Fishing Set-Ups 31. Cleaning Musical Instruments 32. Golfing 33. Setting up an Aquarium 34. Furniture refinishing 35. Bird Calling THE DEMONSTRATION SPEECH ASSIGNMENT
1. Purpose: To demonstrate something to your audience by making, doing, or repairing something. You will not simply inform us about something, but rather show us the entire process by actually doing it. 2. Developmental Skill: To gain experience speaking before a group, utilizing the correct outline format, supporting the main steps through demonstration, description, and explanation. In addition, provide specific reasons for doing something the way you do it. 3. Time: 4-6 minutes. Four point deduction for every thirty seconds short or over. 4. Grading: 100 total possible points. (Presentation-60 points, outline-30 points, visual aids-10 points) 5. Presentation: You may bring note cards up with