I learned that prayer and devotion can change ones life. Saint Monica never gave up on her son, she stood by his side and prayed for his reformation. Eventually, St. Augustine came around. Although, he loved an unholy life he managed to change and that taught me that nothing is impossible.
I found both of these saints important for countless reasons. First off, Saint Monica persevered with her dedication to her troubled son. They are important because it teaches everyone that it is not to late in life to turn to God for love and guidance.
Both saints are good role models. Saint Monica demonstrates dedication, devotion, and perseverance. Saint Augustine teaches us God is accepting and will love us no matter what.
http://www.americancatholic.org/features/saints/saint.aspx?id=1120 http://www.ewtn.com/library/mary/monica.htm Feast day
Monica: August -27
Augustine: No feast