The heavens decided to pay a visit to the ringleaders of man, the aquatics, and demons. Each leader discussed which future actions should take place. The leaders of man, the heavens, and the aquatics agreed that it was too risky to wake up the dragon. Only the leader of the demon refused to take part in their plan and take matters into its own hands. The leader of the heavens warned the ring leader that misfortune would come their way if they awaken the dragon from its slumber. The leader ignored the warnings and made it back to its realm, Ignustia. The demon leader gathered its army and ordered them to destroy the rings one by one, the first was man. Their leader's mind was consumed by darkness and greed. The leader wanted the treasure to itself and itself alone. The demon army jumped into the ocean and was swallowed up by whirlpools from each direction. The whirlpools dragged the demons deep below. Only a few demons survived. They swam to the surface and reached …show more content…
The army charged to the surface. They ran to the villages and attacked. The humans screamed and panicked. Many humans fled to the ocean devoured by the whirlpools, never seen again. Some dug holes in the ground hiding their tracks. Terrista became overrun by demons, was on the brink of destruction. The ring leader of man fought against the demons, but was struck by the demon leader. The ring leader was no more. When the heavens found out, they summoned a guardian angel. They ordered the angel to summon the dragon protectors of the rings. Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma. The guardian flew into space and summoned the dragons using the dragon staff. The guardian commanded the dragons to destroy the demons on Terrista. The dragons obeyed and charged straight to Terrista. An out war took place between dragons and demons. The war lasted about 10 years, finally the demons were destroyed. The angel and demon leader fought. The angel lost. The demon leader decided to flee back to Ignustia and swore revenge against the heavens. There was no celebration that day for the humans were gone. The ring leader of the heavens was devastated. The leader of the heavens decided to transform the guardian angel into man and imprison the dragons in each ring. The angel was left in the desert waste. For once the angel's memories return, the fate of the rings will change the