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Economic Fundamentals in the Investment Environment BECO01-5
Please note: This sample exam paper does not necessarily have the identical format to the examination (summative assessment) that you will write at the end of the semester. However, the type of questions that you will find are similar in nature to those found in the exam. Please see the Assessment Guidelines pertaining to this module for more guidance relating to the exact structure of your exam.
© Milpark Business School (Pty) Ltd. Economic Fundamentals in the Investment Environment BECO01-5 Sample Exam Paper 2013 Page 1 of 15
Question 1 (40 marks) Select the correct answer and write it into your examination book next to the question number (for example, 11-C): 1.1 Asset classes are divided into how many main groups? a) b) c) d) Two Three Four Five
Answer: (Topic 3; page 112) c 1.2 A bank fulfills the function of being an intermediary between: a) b) c) d) Consumers and producers. Consumers and suppliers. Savers and borrowers. Capitalists and entrepreneurs.
Answer: (Topic 2; page 60) c 1.3 Capital is the concept which economists use to describe and to quantify: a) b) c) d) The amount of cash which shareholders invest a newly formed company. Factories, office blocks and equipment used in the manufacturing processes. The investments made in training personnel. The cash available to fund the daily running of the enterprise.
Answer: (Topic 1; page 3) b 1.4 When a crop failure hits the tomato farmers and we anticipate the effect on the supply curve of tomatoes with the green grocers we shall: a) b) c) d) Illustrate it with a rightward shift of the supply curve Illustrate it with a leftward shift of the supply curve Describe it as a change in quantity supplied. Expect a corresponding drop in the demand for tomatoes.
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