Reports from MSI - Rapporter från MSI
Co-operation between different units to make the purchasing process of indirect material more effective
Marcus Nilsson
Anna Eriksson
Växjö University
SE-351 95 VÄXJÖ
Report 06019
ISSN 1650-2647
ISRN VXU/MSI/IV/E/--06019/--SE
Centrum för Informationslogistik
Co-operation between different units to make the purchasing process of indirect material more effective
Essay within the subject Information Logistics, 10p
Anna Eriksson & Marcus Nilsson
Klas Gäre
Ljungby/Helsingborg: Autumn 2005
Centrum för Informationslogistik
Samverkan mellan olika enheter för att effektivisera inköpsprocessen av indirekt material
C-uppsats inom ämnet Informationslogistik, 10p
Anna Eriksson & Marcus Nilsson
Klas Gäre
Ljungby/Helsingborg: Höstterminen 2005
Organisations must change in order to be able to follow the expansion in the world and be competitive along with other organisations at the global market. To successfully efficient the organisations reduce their purchasing costs for material and products. One way to reduce the purchasing costs is to centralise all purchases in an organisation. When a big organisation does that, they use, among other things, the economies of scale. (Personal communication, Department Manager, 2005-06-17 and Senior adviser, IMS ITP, 2005-08-15)
While studying Information Logistics, 140 p, at the Centrum för Informationslogistik in
Ljungby, has IKEA IT been our co-operating company. When we talked with our Department Manager during our internship, she describes co-operation problems between the units when they purchase IT-related indirect material. Indirect material is products that support the daily work within the organisation.
Since IKEA recently started a central purchasing function for indirect material our assignment
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