Daniel Crouch
Mrs. Vetzel
English IV
1 February 2016
Being able to walk on school’s campus without seeing at least one person glued to their phone is seemingly impossible. Phones are a common item among people of all ages in today’s society. Moat people have texted at least once on their phone. Texting can affect someone’s literacy. The texting language used by teens today is informal. Texting does not always follow Standard English grammar rules or spellings. The most preferred communication style to one another is texting. Texting has greatly affected the way that we interact with people today. People can now text a friend something they need to say, instead of having to make a phone call to keep in touch. Although mobile phones have increased our communication between each other, it has greatly influenced teenager’s literacy. Text messaging is very popular among teenagers today. Teens on average send 45.11 and receive 46.03 messages in a day. Texting has both positive and negative effects on students’ literacy. Most teachers have said that they believe that texting has a negative effect on students’ writing skills. Many people believe that texting has a negative affect …show more content…
In a study, the participants were given two separate spelling texts. One spelling test would be before the textisms were showed to the partaker and the other was given after a period of time reading textisms. The results showed that the scores for the second spelling text were high after they were exposed to the textisms. Teenagers do not use the best grammar when texting, but it has showed that it has improved their literacy in many ways. Texting allows for teens to be creative and playful with the construction of language they are learning about at school. Teen’s use of technology provides them with another resource to learn and experiment with letter-sound correspondences and language