The evidence that is the most effective is from the psychology websites because they all mention how students who text while doing homework have lower grades because they are not paying attention to what they’re studying due to the distraction of having phones.
The writers tone is very informative. Robin wants parents, as well as high school and college kids to understand that texting is making a big impact on their life, as well as with the way we learn. Robin’s tone supports her thesis as she is trying to show parents how texting is a huge problem in today’s society. The structure of the sentences and vocab are very easy to read in Robin’s article, they support the thesis in many ways by providing a message that explains exactly why texting is an
I liked this reading because I believe that texting is an issue that has gotten worse over time. It is a huge attention span issue as it distracts students from the importance of learning. The articles strengths were proving that texting affects learning by showing that students who texted during lessons took less detailed notes then ones who did not text, therefore causing students who texted during the lesson to have less effective notes which leaves them with not enough information. I learnt from this reading that paying attention in class and staying off your phone is very important in order to do well in school and develop good communication skills.
The amount of texting that I see happen in school today is ridiculous. People are addicted to their phones and students do not realize that is affecting their learning. If we pay attention in class instead of to who is texting us and what is happening on Facebook, maybe students will see their grades increase.